Your Greeting Card Niche - Establishing itA part of developing your greeting card marketing strategy should be dedicated to how you will establish your niche in the greeting card marketing with your target customer.
A niche can be described like this; instead of advertising yourself as a greeting card designer why not target a specific niche like dog and cat greeting cards. A niche one inch wide and a mile deep is always going to be better than a mile wide niche that is only one inch deep.
The idea is to specialise in a specific niche of greeting cards, that's where the money is. This means that you will define in your greeting card marketing and/or advertising plan how you will marketing or sell to your target customer.
By creating a plan to sell your greeting cards, you not only gain focus in knowing your target customer, but you also gain knowledge by creating a baseline plan from which all of your sales can be measured and the plan adjusted whenever it needs to be.
You could test out different niches, for example, you could target Dog lovers and then target the market for Naughty or Funny greeting cards and see which one is the most responsive. Remember, give the market what it wants, not what you want to give it.
Some of the most important methods for establishing your greeting card niche are by:
Keeping a list or database of potential customers, referrals, and customers.
Regularly contacting your potential customers, referrals, and customers of new releases, specials, or new services.
Regularly updating your customer list or database whenever a potential customer, referral, or customer enters the shop, logs in to your web site, or gives his/her mailing address information for a catalog.
Send customers a newsletter or catalog by mail or Internet showing new greeting cards and coupons they can use in the store.
Let customers know of seasonal sales and events.
Click the link:
sell my greeting cards for my helpful tips to sell your greeting cards.
Talk Soon
David W. Allen