Thursday, September 14, 2006

Find Out What Your Competition is Doing

Find Out What Your Competition is Doing

In yesterdays post I showed you a way to find your market.

Knowing your customer intimately is the first step to easy sales. Until you know (1) who your customers are, (2) what they want, and (3) what motivates them to buy, you can't prepare an effective strategy to sell your greeting cards.

Today we're going to spy on your competition.

Using the information you gathered yesterday we are going to go out and take a look at what your competition is doing.

A great way to sell your greeting cards is to find out what your competition is offering then find a way to do it better and make your cards more appealing to your market.

How do you do this?

Simple: You go to one of the major search engines like Google and type in the search terms you listed yesterday that relate to the market, greeting cards, you are targeting, and start searching.

Now go through some of the top listed websites and see what they are doing, what types of cards are they offering and the prices they charge.

This will take a little leg work but it will pay off in the long run. I would also recommend you bookmark the sites that are doing what you want to do so you can come back to them later.

The good news is there is a piece of software called WebFerret that is free that will go out and search and find all the websites that relate to the search term you are looking for.

I suggest you go and get a copy at:

There is a paid version for only $29.95 that will give you all the features of the software.

This is such a time saver.

So go and start spying on your competition now and you will be amazed at what you find and the ideas you get from others.

Doing this bit of work in the beginning will pay off in the long run - trust me.

Of course, I reveal all the tips and techniques about how you can explode your sales in "How To Start Your Own Greeting Card Business" - available at:

If you're serious about making some mo~ney from your favourite hobby, you couldn't ask for a better opportunity than this. Grab your copy now and get started.

Talk Soon
David W. Allen

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