Saturday, April 29, 2006

Greeting Card Templates

Template greeting cards are greeting cards that have been developed so often that the process for developing each card was refined, documented, and standardized. The development of each greeting card template was documented and tested to ensure the template would recreate the same card the same way every time.

Creating template greeting cards can save you a great deal of time and money. By creating and saving template cards, you are enabling yourself to do business better and faster. For example, let’s say you are a painter and have some greeting cards with hand-painted scenes you want to sell. Instead of selling the original immediately, scan the pictures so that you can use the images on the cards that you sell. Prepare the cards with the digital images to be sole rather than the original painted cards so that you will always have the original if something goes wrong. Then when you have sold all of the digital image cards, you can create more in a short period of time using the template created with the digital image.

If you did not have a template, chances are you would have to paint every card that you wanted to sell. Maybe you could sell the painted cards for a little more money, but that might not compare to the number of cards you could sell using the digital image template. The template card would also be faster to produce because it could be printed; whereas, the originals had to be hand painted.
Just a helpful tip from my greeting card business book 'How to make money selling your greeting cards'.

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