Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Greeting Card Selling Tip

Here is the last tip on the quickest ways to sell your greeting cards.


Before you rent a kiosk, you will need to do research on your target market, the rental fees associated with the kiosk, any insurance fees associated to renting the kiosk, and differences in renting kiosks from one mall to another and one season to another.When doing this comparison, it may be easier to develop a spreadsheet or list where you can list each kiosk rental opportunity and its associated fees. The spreadsheet would allow you to compare each kiosk to see which is the best opportunity for your business.

When doing kiosk research, ask the rental agent if they can provide information on how much each kiosk is making that is currently being rented at each location. This will not only tell you about each location and how much income can be expected at a particular location, but it can also help you project your future earnings for each location.

Hope this was helpful. Please leave a comment, I would love to hear your comments.

Signing off.


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